Friday, February 1, 2013


This post illustrates some of the problems we faced regarding shooting. The problem came during after shooting so had to be corrected during the editing process. This post also looks at how we managed to rectify them.

After we had filmed and edited the school scenes we didn't feel that it flowed well with the rest of the sequence. The "school" stood out too much as it did look more like a park than an actual school.
How did we resolve this?
Initially we attempted to super impose a school name and logo onto the park wall. After spending around an hour on photoshop testing different signs we attempted to add it into the scene. This again didn't look right as it looked fake which wasn't the look we wanted.
In the end we had to reshoot the whole end in a different location. We use the Latymer School for ease and to clearly get across that we were walking into a school. A bonus to changing the location was that we were able to change the final shot. Whilst previously we all walked in together you weren't able to see the rivalry between my character and Zenia's character. Be re-shooting we were able to add in a 'bump' we clearly depicted tension between the two character's and allowed the audience to see an insight into the rest of the film
Original location

This incident made us realise that a lot more thought had to go into location planning and practice shots were necessary in seeing problems before it was too late.  

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