Showing posts with label Emily Contribution. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emily Contribution. Show all posts

Friday, February 1, 2013

Scarlett's Bedroom

Floor plan of Emily's bedroom, the location which will be used as Scarlett's bedroom. Walls, carpet, armchair and shelves are red, and tables, wardrobes and bed are white. This room was primarily selected due to the colouring, whilst also having ease of access in the hallway outside, and well as the access provided by the positioning of the bed and wardrobes. In addition to this, my bedroom already has some retro London themed decorations, such as canvas prints, union jack bunting and a clock shaped like a bicycle, and this contributed to the British feel of our film.


Our soundtrack was downloaded from and is called 'Full of Mesh'.
On the website, it is credited as a 
"Happy upbeat track with dual guitars rocking riffs, solid rhythm section gets your foot tapping."

1. Full Of Mesh (1:07) - Found on Solid Rock Vol 1
Happy upbeat track with dual guitars working rocking riffs, solid rhythm section gets your foot tapping.Feeling: Rocking/UpbeatMotivationalAdventure/Action,Rhythmic/Upbeat | Style: Rock & Roll
Instrument: Drums, Bass, Guitar | Tempo: Med-Fast
Composed by:Leroy Bocchieri, BMI
Published by: Freeplaymusic, BMI 


Thursday, January 31, 2013

Suppliers of costumes and props.

A colour coded list of the individuals supplying each piece of costume or props for a certain character.

Ideally, the majority of props and costumes should come from either the location we are shooting in or from the actor using them.


LAUREN needed for Shoots 1 and 3
Skirt- Olivia
Blouse- Olivia
Belt- Olivia
Tights- Olivia
Shoes- Olivia
Jacket- Olivia
Pajamas- Olivia

Satchel- Olivia
Diary- Zenia
Make up- Olivia
Hairdryer- Olivia
Alarm clock- Olivia
Toothbrush- Olivia
Everyday setting props (for bedroom)- Olivia

SCARLETT needed for Shoots 2 and 3
Shirt- Zenia
Skirt- Zenia
Socks (stripey)- Emily
Socks (black)- Emily
Shoes- Zenia
Hoodie- Olivia
Pajamas- Zenia

Paul's Boutique bag- Emily
Cigarettes and packets- Emily, Arianna and others.
Lighter- Emily
Lipstick- Emily
Blackberry- Arianna
Toothbrush- Zenia
School brochures- Emily
Postcards- Emily and Arianna
Clothes and other general room clutter- Emily

FRIENDS Needed for Shoots 1 and 3
Shirt- Emily
Skirt- Arianna
Tights- Olivia
Shoes- Olivia
Jacket- Olivia

Bag- Emily

Shirt- Olivia
Skirt- Arianna
Tights- Arianna
Shoes- Olivia
Jacket- Arianna

Bag- Arianna

Split Screen Filming Techniques

In film and video production, split screen filming is used to show complimentry or contrasting events taking places alongside one another, this could be detailing events taking place in different times, locations, or to different characters. The screen is split (usually down the middle, but a variety of arrangements can be used), with the alternate clips playing alongside each other.

Prior to the 1990s, before advances in digital technologies, a split screen was created using an optical printer using two video clips filmed seperately, which were copied onto the same negative, called the composite.


Life of an American Fireman1903
Pillow Talk1959
To Be Alive!1964
Chelsea Girls1966
Grand Prix1966
A Place to Stand1967
In the Labyrinth1967
The Thomas Crown Affair1968
The Boston Strangler1968
Dionysus in '691970
Multiple Sidosis1970
Wicked, Wicked1973
Phantom of the Paradise1974
Dressed to Kill1980
Blow Out1981
Sammy and Rosie Get Laid1987
Wall Street1987
The Bonfire of the Vanities1990
Boogie Nights1997
Jackie Brown1997
"Closing Time"1998
Snake Eyes1998
The Virgin Suicides1999
Requiem for a Dream2000
Femme Fatale2002
The Rules of Attraction2002
Kill Bill2003

Sexual Dependency2003
Conversations with Other Women2005
The Tracey Fragments2007
(500) Days of Summer2009
127 Hours2010

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Character conventions


Protagonist: The hero of the film, the storyline is based around her and an event or events in her life, she is usually strong and independant, and overcomes obstacles set in her way.
Antagonist: The enemy of the hero, this enemy can be from a long-lasting dislike or rivalry, or someone newly aquainted.
Friend/s: Since the protagonist is an aspirational type character, she usually has one or two close friends, one of which may be male (this could later turn into a love interest).
Parents of protagonist: Strict, usually funny or embarrassing. A stronger bond is usualy attained between the protgaonist and parents towards the end of the film/

All characters usually wear highly fashionable clothes and are well presented, unless the way they look is part of a storyline. They also always have up to date technology (phones, laptops, tablets, etc.) and this can feature highly if social networking and communications are relevant to the narrative.

Examples of protagonists:
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon)- Legally Blonde
Danielle  DeBarbarac (Drew Barrymore)- Ever After
Georgia Nicholson (Georgia Groome)- Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
Lizzie McGuire (Hilary Duff)- Lizzie McGuire Movie

Narratives follow the protagonist, and some kind of disruption, or problem occurring in their life. The antagonist either cause or contribute to this problem, and a rivalry is formed between the two characters, while the loyal friends of the protagonist usually remain supportive towards our hero. However, fights may ensue between the protagonist and her best friends, and this would eventually be resolved in either a reconciliation and reunion, or a realisation that the friend was not all they once seemed. A key role in every chick flick is the presence of a 'crush', a highly attractive male, who our protagonist is unable to obtain, and hence the narrative follows her pursuit of this love interest, with the film concluding with their blossoming romance.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Chick Flick Conventions

  • Usually deal with themes of love, dating and romance
  • Target a largely female audience
  • Often released around Valentine's Day
  • These films are generally held in popular culture as having formulaic, paint-by-numbers plot lines and characters
  • Use a female protagonist
  • Feature the colour pink
  • Contain female related issues, which the female audience will obviously be able to associate with

One of the earliest examples of a chick flick is 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' in 1961 due to the elements of loneliness, fashion and of course has a happy ending.

Molly Haskell has suggested that chick flicks are very different from the women's films of the 1940s and '50s in that they now "sing a different tune." She feels that they are "more defiant and upbeat, post-modern and post-feminist."

In the 1980s in the US more modern and unique chick flicks were released, these dealt with newer issues such as teenage pregnancy and abortion.

Can be based on fairytales such as 'A Cinderella Story', 'Pretty Woman' and 'Ever After', or based on Shakespeare plays, as in the cases of '10 Things I Hate About You' and 'She's The Man'. Chick flicks have also been made based on books, such as 'Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging', and 'The Princess Diaries', even some more classic books have been turned into films, for example, 'Little Women'. In the case of 'Sex and the City', the characters and relationships were taken from the TV series.

Settings are usually well known, such as New York or London cities or suburbs, and often feature high schools in chick flicks with a schoolgirl teenage protagonist. Storylines usually follow a main character, dealing with issues such as popularity, looks, sex, relationships, friendships and family. A nemisis or arch enemy character is another recognisable trait, as this character behaviour usually hinders our protgonist within the issues she is trying to resolve, and sometimes causes problems for her. Most chick flick storylines conclude with a resolution to all the protagonist's previous problems, and the affections of the love interest are usually gained, often concluding with a romantic 'first kiss' scene, which is a moment of triumph and success for the protagonist.

Love Story- 1970
Sixteen Candles- 1984
Dirty Dancing- 1987
Earth Girls Are Easy- 1988
Working Girl- 1988
When Harry Met Sally- 1989
Pretty Woman- 1990
Ghost- 1990
Thelma and Louise- 1991
Sleepless in Seattle- 1993
My Best Friend's Wedding- 1997
Titanic- 1997
Legally Blonde- 2001
The Princess Diaries- 2001
Bridget Jones Diary- 2001
Down With Love- 2003
The Notebook- 2004
The Devil Wears Prada- 2006
Enchanted- 2007
27 Dresses- 2007
Sex and the City- 2008
Definitely, Maybe- 2008
Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging- 2008
Twilight- 2008
The Proposal- 2009
Confessions of a Shopaholic- 2009

Monday, January 21, 2013

Legally Blonde Opening Sequence Analysis

TITLES: Cute, girly, curly font, with little hearts above the 'i's. White with a pink glow, titles are the same font style and colour as the 'Legally Blonde' title. Each title lasts around 4seconds, and appear according to breaks in the action taking place, later in the scene two names appear at the same time.

SOUND: Song 'Perfect Day', happy girly song, fits the theme of the film and sets the tone during the opening scene, the lyrics relate to the storyline.

CHARACTER: Establishes the protagonist Elle Woods, the President of the Delta Nu Sorority, Homecoming Queen, blonde, girly, perfect, loved by all the girls in her sorority. We see her getting ready, brushing her hair and painting her nails, while the scene is also cross-cut to show the delivery of a letter to Elle.

MISE-EN-SCENE: Bedroom- pink girly room, photos of pets and family, Herbal Essences blonde shampoo, nail varnish, Homecoming Queen banner, hairbrush, Delta Nu Sorority paddle, flowers, 'Cosmopolitan' magazine, teddy, pink cushions, Prada shopping bags and perfumes.
House and gardens- grass, fountains, lots of people casually hanging about or playing games, double doors, flowers, gym, hair and make up.

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Pictures presents
a Marc Platt production
Legally Blonde
Reese Witherspoon
Luke Wilson
Selma Blair
Matthew Davis
Victor Garber
Jennifer Coolidge
Holland Taylor
Ali Larter
Jessica Cauffiel       Alama Ubach
Oz Perkins       Linda Cardellini
Bruce Thomas        Meredith Scott Lynn
special appearance by Raquel Welch
casting by Joseph Middleton c.s.a.
co-producers David Nicksay and Christian McLaughlin
music by Rolfe Kent
music supervisor Anita Camarata
costumes designed by Sophie de Rakoff Carbonell
edited by Anita Brandt Burgoyne a.c.e. Garth Craven
production designer Melissa Stewart
director of photography Anthony B.Richmond a.s.c/b.s.c.
based on the book by Amanda Brown
produced by Marc Platt and Ric Kidney
screenplay by Karen McCullah Lutz & Kirsten Smith