Wednesday, March 20, 2013

4) Who would be the audience for your media product?

Being a group of all girls, we thought creating a film for an audience we know a lot about would be an effective idea. Also after doing research, we discovered that one of the most popular cinema-going age brackets is 16-24, and therefore should increase the revenue of our potential film.

Our target audience are British teenage girls, possibly the 16-24 bracket, but also slightly younger. Our film is very British, but we also hope to reach other nationalities.

Our audience is fairly niche in terms of gender, although there are male characters, the film idea is very much directed at females. However, I do believe it could be quite broad in terms of age range. The core audience is teens, but we are also able to reach out to older women as a wider audience group. They will be able to look back to their school years with a sense of nostalgia. The girls may remind them of themselves, friends, or possibly even their daughters. This could potentially be a fun film for mothers and daughters to see together.

Target Audience Profiles

Name: Claire Liu
Age: 17
Occupation: Student
Film Likes: Action, Rom-coms, Animations
Film Dislikes: Historical films
Film Consumption Habits: Watches DVDs every weekend, Goes to the cinema once/twice a month

Name: Alice Brown
Age: 17
Occupation: Student 
Film Likes: Rom-coms, Chick Flisks, Comedies
Film Dislikes: Horror
Film Consumption Habits: Watched DVDs once or twice a week, Goes to the cinema every one/two months.

Audience Questionnaires
I asked some girls in and around our target age group some questions after they had watched our opening sequence. Abigail, a 17 year old, recognised and understood everything about the opening. The split-screens really stood out and became a favourite part for her. She really liked the use of iconography. However, she did pick up on the smaller details that seemed incorrect. For example, blow-drying dry hair, and washing face before going in the shower.

I then asked Nicola, a 27 year old, who had very similar answers. However, her favourite parts were the titles and their interesting animations. She also agreed with Abigail's points about the unusual details, and also thought we could have incorporated more split-screens!

Doing this exercise helped to prove that our audience is able to reach further than merely teenage girls! However, in hindsight, I do feel our film has alienated men. We haven't provided much for them in our film, and certainly nothing in our opening sequence apart from potentially the attractive actresses. They could have increased audience and therefore profit if we had targeted them further.

Although most chick-flicks have the same problem we did in finding a way to attract the male cinema-going audience, Fast Girls, a film quite similar to ours in concept, did just that. It's a girly film that is definitely targeted at teenagers and females. However, they have successfully input features that would attract men too. For example, the theme of sport, comedic aspects and famous British actors.

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