Monday, March 25, 2013

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Here I have created an audience profile, detailing our target audience for 'Pretty Popular', and conducted research into what three members of our target audience think makes a good chick flick.


MORGAN, aged 17
-Studying English Lit, History, Sociology and Biology
-Enjoys watching pretty much anything, but especially likes comedies and rom-coms.
-She feels that a good chick flick should be able to make you cry, and feel good about yourself and your life.
-Her favourite films are 'The Breakfast Club', 'The Little Mermaid', 'Bridemaids', 'Pitch Perfect', 'Grease' and 'When Harry Met Sally'.
-She watches chick flicks with her little brother, or her girlfriends, usually at home or at her friends houses.

RUYI, aged 16
-Studying Art, Textiles, Maths and Economics.
-Likes to watch comedies and animated films.
-Ruyi said that a chick flick should be able to make you laugh more than anything else, and should ALWAYS have a really good looking male character. She also said that the main character has to be likeable, and that she would need to identify with the hero.
-Her favourite films 'Legally Blonde', 'Shrek' and 'Daria'
-Watches chick-flicks at home with her dog.

ALEX, aged 18
-Studying Sport Science and Physics.
-Likes to watch girly rom-coms, Disney films and horrors.
-She thinks that a chick flick should contain characters you recognise, and should be based within a setting well known to us, like a high school.
-Her favourite films are 'Love Actually', 'Tangled', 'Sinister' and 'The Orphan'.
She enjoys watching chick flicks at home with her family, or in the cinema occasionally with her friends.

Our secondary audience would be 16-24 year old males, who would probably be going to see the film with their girlfriends, or female friends. Making our film very funny would appeal to this target audience, and we would aim for the same approval from boys as 'Mean Girls', which has become a cultural classic film for teenagers, due to the comedy and relatable themes.

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