Friday, March 29, 2013

Q3.What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Our production compnay was SEA GULL PRODUCTIONS
  • We are a LOW BUDGET BRITISH production company
  • Our ideal films are low budget chick flicks and comedies
  • Our target appeal are BLOCKBUSTER FILMS that are released in chain cinemas.
  • The focus of sea gulls to account for the British feel of our films.
  • Seagull productions like to produce films that challenge the ordinary genre conventions and change the dynamics of a film's genre. This is why seagull films would produce Pretty Popular. Whilst our film does reference the conventions of the genre it also challenges the classic stereotypes.
The Prezi below is used to show our research into potential distributors. When looking for a company to distribute our film we wanted a company that was known within the film industry. In addition we also wanted a company that specialised in our style of film so could understand the marketing we are aiming our film at. The presentation below maps our progress from our initial institutional research to our final decision  

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