Wednesday, March 27, 2013

5. How did you attract/address your audience?

One way in which we attracted our audience was through the use of enigma. We did not give too much away so as to leave our audience guessing and wanting to watch more in order to find out answers to their pending questions:
  • Who are the two girls? 
  • What is their relation and how well do they know each other?
  • Why did she barge into the other girl?
  • Why do they not get along? 
  • What happens next?

Another way we attracted our audience was by making our two protagonists aspirational to our target audience. Here are some traits our characters posses which some girls will desire and look up to:
A final technique we used was Katz and Blumler's Uses and Gratifications theory:
  1. Personal Identity. Our female audience can easily relate to our girls (similar age) and their interests and perhaps appearance (hair colour, clothes, friends, make-up). This can be reassuring and comforting for our audience.
  2. Entertainment. Our media text is here to be enjoyed, and we feel we created a fun and engaging opening sequence with catchy music, and our audience will then hopefully want to watch on.
  3. Information. 'Pretty Popular' provides an insight into modern day British teenage girl's lives unlike any other film, as we ourselves are living this role in society and so can give a true perspective on it.
  4. Relationships. Viewers can observe how characters interact with each other and compare this to their own relationships in real life. For example the friendships between Lauren and her two friends, as shown above. 


If our film were to have a marketing campaign I think it would be very important for technology to be at the forefront of it. Our audience is generally very tech-savvy and enjoy using their phones, computers and gadgets and devises and therefore an interactive, perhaps viral campaign could attract our audience most effectively. 

We could have a website as our central hub and then use Youtube to upload clips, interviews and trailers to spark an initial interest. We could also have a Facebook page and Twitter account to form a fan base for our film and update them on new releases and events related to our film.  

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