Saturday, January 26, 2013

Character conventions


Protagonist: The hero of the film, the storyline is based around her and an event or events in her life, she is usually strong and independant, and overcomes obstacles set in her way.
Antagonist: The enemy of the hero, this enemy can be from a long-lasting dislike or rivalry, or someone newly aquainted.
Friend/s: Since the protagonist is an aspirational type character, she usually has one or two close friends, one of which may be male (this could later turn into a love interest).
Parents of protagonist: Strict, usually funny or embarrassing. A stronger bond is usualy attained between the protgaonist and parents towards the end of the film/

All characters usually wear highly fashionable clothes and are well presented, unless the way they look is part of a storyline. They also always have up to date technology (phones, laptops, tablets, etc.) and this can feature highly if social networking and communications are relevant to the narrative.

Examples of protagonists:
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon)- Legally Blonde
Danielle  DeBarbarac (Drew Barrymore)- Ever After
Georgia Nicholson (Georgia Groome)- Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
Lizzie McGuire (Hilary Duff)- Lizzie McGuire Movie

Narratives follow the protagonist, and some kind of disruption, or problem occurring in their life. The antagonist either cause or contribute to this problem, and a rivalry is formed between the two characters, while the loyal friends of the protagonist usually remain supportive towards our hero. However, fights may ensue between the protagonist and her best friends, and this would eventually be resolved in either a reconciliation and reunion, or a realisation that the friend was not all they once seemed. A key role in every chick flick is the presence of a 'crush', a highly attractive male, who our protagonist is unable to obtain, and hence the narrative follows her pursuit of this love interest, with the film concluding with their blossoming romance.

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