Monday, January 21, 2013

Meeting 2

In our second meeting we started to form our narrative. Having decided on the chick-flick genre and therefore targeting mainly the 16-24 female audience we began to create our idea around a traditional American High-School movie, but British. We used 'Mean Girls' as an inspiration but decided to almost flip the storyline. We decided on a protagonist who is the most popular girl in school, but purely because she is nice, rather than people fearing her. She is a perfect all-rounder, straight-A student, has a good-looking boyfriend, lots of friends and a family who adore her. A new girl will arrive at school, creating the problem in the narrative, as she attempts to take over the whole school and our protagonist's role in the hierarchy is jeopardised.

We began to think of the styling of our piece too. We decided on an opening sequence that focused on the morning routine of our protagonist. We decided the style should be girly, bubbly and up-tempo, reflecting her characteristics.

When tackling the issue of representation, we also thought about location and casting. We realised that we had a vision of the protagonist being stereotypically middle-class, so this couldn't be challenged. We also realised we were capable of challenging the ability stereotypes. We realised that ethnicity was something we could challenge, and by making our lead girl an ethnic minority, our film would differ from others. Another thing we decided to focus on representing was nationality. We really want to emphasise the Britishness of our film.

We issued ourselves research tasks, to analyse the opening sequences for
Arianna: The Devil Wears Prada
Emily: Legally Blonde
Zenia: Hairspray
Olivia: The Lizzie McGuire Movie.

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