Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Meeting 3

The main focus of our third meeting was to narrow down on the specifics for our opening sequence- we first planned the main shots we wanted to include in our clip, however this immediately lead us to rethink our content. We felt it would be more interesting to include our 'new girl' within the opening sequence too. This way we could cross-cut between the two girl's morning routines and we would be able to sustain an audiences attention better, rather than just having one girl getting ready for our entire sequence, which could have run the risk of boring our audience. 

This idea also fit in with our original concept of having a narrator, which we discussed in meeting 1: we thought there could be a VO of the school's head teacher throughout our sequence, narrating the school's rules. Showing how one girl, our protagonist, was conforming to them, and how the new girl was breaking the rules. This would also enable us to portray our characters personalities more clearly, as we have another person to contrast them against.

Using this idea also meant we would have to establish our 'new girl' character a bit more clearly, as before we had not put much thought into her. We decided on making her a rebellious character, and quite edgy to clash with our protagonist's girly appearance. Typically the main character in British chick flicks are brunette, like Annabelle in St. Trinians, and so we decided on a blonde protagonist to challenge this, and make our very own stereotypical blonde american sweetheart, but with a British twist. To highlight this obviously our new girl could not be blonde too, and so we thought of making her a brunette. 

We also decided on dates we were all available to shoot our sequence:
  • 10th of February
  • 17th of February
  • 24th of February  

Hopefully we will be able to shoot all we need by the 17th, but if not the 24th can be our back-up shooting day. 

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