Monday, January 28, 2013

Meeting 4


  • Reinforcing USP
  • further research into British chick flicks
  • location search
As our USP is the 'Britishness' of the film we decided to further research British chick-flicks. This week we focused on one of the most famous BCF-St.Trinains
From this we established that we need to have added focus of :

Settings- British iconography
Fashion- London trends
British slang
Reference to Britsih themes and conventions

Location Search
In our opening sequence we are introduced to two constrasting charcters. In order to show this we decided we needed to exaggerate the style, rooms and character identites.

LAUREN-Lauren's room needs to be:
  • clean
  • neat
  • tidy
  • pink
  • photos of bf
  • pictures of friends
  • bright
  • girly

SCARLETT-Scarlett's room needs to be:
  • Red
  • old
  • messy
  • dirty
  • new school leaflets
  • no pictures
  • london iconography

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