Friday, January 25, 2013

Target Audience Research

 I carried out research on our target audience of females aged 16-24 to try and decide wether this was infact an appropriate target audience for our film. Also to learn more about their lifestyle and consumer habits to gain an idea of how we could attract and address them in our sequence.

Data from, researched carried out by the UK Film Council:

UK cinema- audience by age and gender

What we learnt from this data

From this data we can see that the age group which visits the cinema most often is 15 to 24 year olds. It only makes sense therefore to target this market as our core audience, and since we ourselves are a part of this age bracket we felt we would be better at attracting this market effectively. Close behind on figures are the age ranges of 7-14 and 25-34, which our audience could easily spill over onto. 
The table also shows males visit the cinema more than females, however the difference is only very slight and since we are all females within the group we have decided to target them as our main audience. We will have a greater knowledge on the audience and can apply this when planning and shooting our opening sequence, instead of us running the risk of getting it all wrong and not targeting the male audience correctly. 

Research carried out by Film3Sixty:

    10% - Blockbuster Only
    • 10% of survey
    • 56% female
    • Average age 39.2 years — youngest group
    • Own games consoles —have all the tech gadgets
    • Prefer comedy/rom-coms
    • Most likely to pirate movies
    • Most likely to think the cinema is expensive
    • Watch a lot of TV

    59% - Blockbuster Mainly
    • 59% of survey — biggest group and truest picture of mainstream film consumer
    • 53% female
    • Average age 39.6 years — though most likely aged 16-24
    • Own games consoles — have all the tech gadgets
    • Prefer comedy/rom-coms
    • Buy the most home-entertainment product
    • Heaviest Facebook and YouTube users
    29% - Indie Mainly
    • 29% of survey — second biggest group
    • 52% male
    • Average age 44.5 years — younger than Indie Only
    • Heaviest cinema-goers
    • Heaviest consumers of film on DVD
    • Most likely to online stream
    • Most likely to watch a film on a laptop or PC
    • Heaviest users of Twitter
    2% - Indie Only
    • 2% of survey — smallest group
    • 55% male
    • Average age 54.2 years — oldest group
    • Prefer drama and foreign-language titles
    • Lightest consumers of DVDs
    • Least likely to pirate
    • Lightest users of Facebook

    What we learnt from this data

    This data shows clearly that blockbuster films are viewed more than indie films. In response to this we have decided to create a film that is high concept and therefore can attract a larger audience. The blockbuster film viewers are also mainly female, which fits which our chosen audience and this type of consumer is also said to be 'most likely 16-24' which fits too. 

    Research Conclusion

    The main target audience for our film is females aged 16-24. Our secondary audiences consist of females younger and elder to this age group, along with males of the same age range.

    Our film is of the 'Chick flick' genre and therefore our target audience will be attracted to this the most. Our sequence will include characters which are females of a similar age so as to allow our audience to relate to them, we will also include males to represent our secondary audience, and ensure there is something to appeal to them. 

    Core Target Audience Profile

    Age: 16-24
    Gender: Female (typically 'girly' females) 
    Class: Middle Class, British
    Interests: Clothes/fashion, watching films, socialising with friends, shopping, social networking sites, boys 
    Cinema viewing: Visits local cinema once a month or more, Cineworld, Vue, Odeon etc. 
    Main media useage: Social networking sites, magazines and radio.  

    Secondary Target Audience Profile

    Age: 16-24
    Gender: Male
    Class: Middle Class, British
    Interests: Sports, watchig films, socialising with friends, soical networking sites, girls. 
    Cinema Viewing: Visits local cinema once a month or more, Cineworld, Vue, Odeon etc. 
    Main media useage: Social networking sites and TV. 

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