Friday, February 1, 2013

Fast Girls

Research into the latest British chick flick 

Fast Girls is the latest British made chick flick. Released around the London 2012 games the style of the film was well received by UK audiences.
What was the film about?
'A street smart runner develops an intense rivalry with an equally ambitious wealthy young athlete.'-IMDB
British cast-This helped to attract a British audience. 
Including   the actor Noel Clarke who was involved in previous British films such as 4,3,2,1 and TV shows such a Dr.Who. 

There was a dilemma as to whether base the film around the upcoming 2012 London olympics however because of legal issues with the trademark of the Olympics as fictional event was created. Inspirtation was taken from 'Rocky'.
Promotion and Release
first launched at the Toronto Film Festival in 2011. The cast promoted the film at the Cannes film festival 2012 in an attempt to secure an international distributor. Studio Canal attained the rights for UK distribution. The film was premiered at Leicester Square in London a few weeks before the London Olympics. The red carpet had tracks marks on it to create synergy with the film's theme. The film when on general release 15th June 2012.
considered cheesy and felt it will never be considered a 'classic'  
However 'Fast Girls is at its best when dwelling on the ‘girl power’ aspect of the story, and the foursome who make up the core of the relay team.'
Music-British artists.

The characters are from different social background with different levels of wealth. We were able to link this idea with our film and use the idea of the two protagonists clashing as a main focus for our film. 
Furthermore there was also heavy focus on Britain. We also used this aspect in our film to  appeal more to our national audience. 

Looking back out our opening sequence we could have used more features from Fast Girls as it was the latest British chick flick and embodied all the features we wanted. However, we also wanted to create our own film with our own ideas so i feel our minimalistic references to this film worked in our favour. 

Official trailer.

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