Friday, February 1, 2013

Animatic and Reflections

During the planning process we completed an animatic in which we used still images to create a rough cut of our opening sequence.  This post talks about the benefits to the process and what we learnt from it.

There were many benefits to creating the Animatic before we began to shot the real sequence. After planning our storyboard the creation of the Animatic allowed us to see whether the shots flowed smoothly instead of jumping from long to CU (eg.)
It also allowed us to see where we were able to place our title-Pretty Popular- and to fit the other titles. Furthermore it also allowed to us see whether we needed to change any of the actions during the sequence.
In addition we were able to see whether our music choice fitted with our sequence. 

What we learnt from the animatic
After we produced our animatic we felt that the music didn't fit with our piece very well. This meant we had time to change it and find a more matching song. 
In addition we also realised that we needed to change the placing of our title. Originally we were going to zoom into the window where the title would appear however, from our animatic we realised that this wouldn't work so had to change its position in the sequence. 

How to improve our animatic
Our animatic used very rough pictures so it meant the angle and framing of the shots did not mirror what we wanted them to look like in our sequence. This made it much harder during filming as we didn't know exactly how to frame the individual shots.

I believe that this process was very useful as it allowed us to see a rough cut of our sequence before we started filming meaning that we could fix any immediate problems that we encountered. 

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