Friday, February 1, 2013

Voice Over Script

After realising that we were not having any dialogue in our opening sequence, we thought a voice over might be necessary to help anchor the narrative. We tossed around many ideas, one girl narrating, both girls narrating, or an external character narrating.

We thought about who this external character could be, and came up with the idea of using a Headteacher reciting the school rules, possibly in an assembly. Although this did not anchor the narrative like we orignally intended,we wanted to try and relate the rules to the shots. For example, a rule about punctuality could be played over a shot of the girl looking at the alarm, a rule banning make-up could be over Scarlett putting on bright red lipstick, or one relating politeness could be heard over a shot of Lauren smiling into the camera.

However, after much consideration, we decided to scrap the idea of a VO completely as the wording seemed unrealistic and out of place over the shots. It also reduced the upbeat and happy feel to the opening, so we decided on sticking to just the music track and diegetic sounds.

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