Friday, February 1, 2013


During our meetings we needed to establish our shoot days. To further increase the productivity of our shoot we plan each shoot accordingly to plan time for reshoots. This post discusses the main aims of original shoot dates as well as any problems we faced.

During our initial planning meeting we had arranged 3 set days for filming

  • Practice Shoot
  • Main Shoot
  • Re-Shoot
During our practice shoot we didn't actually record any raw footage. Instead we used this time to test out our storyboard and shot types. We used a Cannon DSLR as a camera recorder to test where the camera would have to be positioned for each shot. These pictures were then used for our animatic where we saw gaps in the storyline and framing of certain shots.

During our main shoot we only shot at one location-My house. This meant we were only filming half of the shots that we needed. One of the main problems that we faced that day was lighting. During the practice shoot the lighting was fine as we were only taking pictures and it was a sunny day. However, during the day of our main shoot the weather was a lot greyer and colder. This affected the amount of natural lighting that we got we affected the quality of our shots. As we reviewed the shots at school the day after we found many of them too be too dark to use or too grainy. To resolve this problem we then used Peg Lighting equipment for the rest of the shoots. 
The time that we had changed location to Emily's house. Here is where were shot all the scenes that featured Zenia. This shoot ran effectively as we now used the official lighting instead of having to play around with different lights in order to get a brighter set.
In this shoot we had to re do the darker shots that were done at my house as well as the shots of the girls getting to school. This shoot also ran effectively as we knew the shots we needed and again it was now much easier as we had proper lighting. 

From this we learned that a lot more planning needs to go into the shooting days as well as the importance of planning for any problems that we may encounter during shooting.

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